
With the competition that exists in today’s grocery business having a good looking package design is a must. Therefor here at prism we concentrated on creating a meaningful package design for a milk company

Just Milk


The challenge

Creating a package that stands out is never easy, therefor we started by thoroughly evaluating the brief, the challenge was that we needed to present the product as natural as possible with a playful look around it, also since it’s a package design we needed to include every legal label or text in an atractive and easy to read way

Package Design
Product Design


We started by creating a brand guideline we incorporated tones of blue to incapsulate the idea of milk but also a cow pattern for the background. Finding a font that works wasn’t really that easy we did after a while decide to stay with a combination of Piedie and Poppins, which really brought together a playful yet modernistic look

The Process

We first started by creating a 3d model for the milk bottle since we hadn’t been given one, this was also for making the dielie later on, after creating a simple mockup in blender we unwrapped the UV’s and created the dieline, after that we used our brand elements to create a comprehensive design, in the final stages we rendered out the product and made an alternative for a vegan based milk

Brand Elements

Some brand elements we’ve added was the cow’s head bellow the logo of the company which really brings a more humanizing feeling to the buyer, other elements were the cow pattern on the background with a low opacity and of course the illustration at the bottom which allows the potential buyer to see that the milk is freshly farmed grass feed creamy milk


Our conclusion

Creating a branding, a product and a package design in a few days was indeed a challenge, but with our expertise and a world of tools at our disposal we’ve managed to create a competitive product for a milk product.